Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Art for department

The department I wanted to go into was comm arts, the assignment was to illustrate a word. I chose serenity. I used a familiar medium  pencil, and a new one which was a new computer program, which I used to do the line work and the background in.

Surface Final: Concept Art

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Performance Piece

For my performance piece I created a fake tour of the Lincoln and Washington Memorials. This project was more of a test for myself than to see other's reactions to it. I have extreme stage fright and hate being in front of people or fooling others, so to have an assignment that was exactly that was very challenging. In preparation for the tour I came up with a script of facts about the two memorials that would sound relatively real but completely untrue. I also made a sign saying free tours. When I went out to do my tours it was an extremely cold and windy day. I tried getting some people to bite with my "Free Tours" sign, and I also looked the part, but no one took the bait. Eventually I gave up on the sign and started going up to people to ask them directly if they wanted a free tour. After getting snubbed and denied several times I finally got someone to take me up on my offer. I did my full tour with her and then parted ways. I was expecting to have a group of people but just getting one person made the whole experience, to me, very successful.

Art for Another

I made an art piece especially for another person in my class, namely Kate. I created this piece so she could understand it because she has sever dyslexia so I used spanish newspaper for the vase and english newspaper for the flowers, I also marked up the spanish newspaper because Kate told me she has a long standing relationship with red pen, which I can understand since she's dyslexic. The flowers have the significance of her blossoming into understanding and slowly overcoming her dyslexia. I know its sappy but I felt it would be a piece she would understand.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Surface and Destroy








We had to create a piece of artwork and destroy it 7 times. This is quite hard because you put all your time and effort into one work of art and then have to destroy it. Very emotionally stressing. I ended up with a bird theme and was trying to convey the process of this project as a whole. You can see this because I tried to incorporate each of the last works into the other so you can see how they evolved//changed.

Pattern and Representational

Pattern and a Representational Object
When I heard that we were more free about what we had to do for this project and that we were going to use a pattern I automatically thought of kimono patterns. I do recognize the perspective is off and originally I was going for a skewed perspective, but it didn't pan out even after researching it like crazy. You live and you learn I suppose.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Work in progress

Work in progress of my pattern and representational object piece.

5 abstract pieces (Colored)

My 5 abstract pieces cut out of a piece of stone henge paper. Colored with the colors of my favorite objects, using the swatches and the objects as reference.


Swatches of my 5 fav objects

Monday, September 17, 2012

2nd Choice: Graphic Design


So I was browsing the net and then found these set of portraits that reminded me A LOT of our first assignment, the 72 portraits. If only I had found this earlier I might have gotten inspiration from them. They are very beautiful and even though a bit creepy also elagent. They are by an artist named  (roughly translated to mistake, negative, or non) The set is under a folder called "Boris New Album"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012