Sunday, September 23, 2012

Work in progress

Work in progress of my pattern and representational object piece.

5 abstract pieces (Colored)

My 5 abstract pieces cut out of a piece of stone henge paper. Colored with the colors of my favorite objects, using the swatches and the objects as reference.


Swatches of my 5 fav objects

Monday, September 17, 2012

2nd Choice: Graphic Design


So I was browsing the net and then found these set of portraits that reminded me A LOT of our first assignment, the 72 portraits. If only I had found this earlier I might have gotten inspiration from them. They are very beautiful and even though a bit creepy also elagent. They are by an artist named  (roughly translated to mistake, negative, or non) The set is under a folder called "Boris New Album"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Black and White Self portrait

Finally done~! I really struggled with this assignment. As if only using pure black and white wasn't hard enough we also had to fit our full body in or at least have a 1:1 scale somewhere in there. So my answer to this was foreshortening. UGH. foreshortening is very difficult and doing it in paint, which I'm not very familiar with is even more difficult. I was very upset also that I had to start over, this final piece is actually my second attempt at this prompt. I think it turned out pretty well, considering. Well at least it looks better than the first try, and it does look foreshortened, well at least to me.

Work in Progress

Ok so this was my second attempt at this assignment. The first attempt had serious perspective//proportion problems, Foreshortening is HARD~!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


My try out with acrylics and india ink for my portrait, in preparation to paint the much bigger one full body one. I had a lot of problems with this since its a method I'm not used to or familiar with, using only value 10 and 0. It sort of reminds me of pop art, and I have never done anything like this. Trying this method out before starting the actual piece is definitely helpful.