Friday, April 18, 2014

WIP - avatar

I drew an avatar I used to have on an old internet game thingy, that no longer exists (I forgot what it was called ><) I suck at line art so I'm trying to practice in photoshop, but it's taking forever. Haven't worked on it in a while cus of school stuffs. Will eventually come back to it...


Pixelation animation. Pixelation is different from stop motion because it only uses already made objects vs making/creating things to animate. (well thats how my teacher explained it) I used my nendoroid vocaloid figurines. I had no idea where I was going with this, just kinda played around. We had to think about the space and include one object and a body (either part or a whole person).


Assignment was to do an animation on an unconventional surface and unconventional size. I went out of my comfort zone by doing a strait ahead piece and kinda abstract. I usually like everything figured out ahead of time. I decided to paint on a bowl and then I projected it on said bowl during critique. I think one of my classmates took a video...


Project for my Media class. Formatting surprisingly took FOREVER. Text is my anthropology notes lol. Photoshop

Holy Christ

Actual voice synch animation. Pretty proud for a first attempt. I over think animation WAY too much! Complicating things for myself.
Sound from "I'm a Stupid Cat" video:

First Synch

First mouth synch. Just random sounds and animation synch. Digital: photoshop


First animation exercise. Boiling (drawing over and over) of an alpaca. Blue acrylic paint

Israel Story

The assignment was to tell a story from childhood, and do a voice over. My only regret is that it is a bit fast paced because there was a 3min constriction on the video and I was so worried over that that I had to cut a lot of the pauses out. If I redo this I will definitely keep those in, and that will slow the video down and have better pacing. Also maybe end it differently. My teacher told me that the time limit is more a suggestion, keep it in mind but if it is better for the piece to have it longer then have it longer.

Straight Ahead

Our assignment was to do a strait ahead animation. I just messed around in photoshop and with the brushes and got this.

Video Modification

For my Intro to Video class we were given a 30 second clip my teacher had filmed and were supposed to edit it into a 2 min video. Basically I just messed around in Final Cut. It was very experimental and I actually had a lot of fun and learned how to work final cut. A very useful exercise.

Transformation Animation

Transformation Animation. Hand drawn and colored in Photoshop. Used reference picture for the fox. 2013

Shinee Rotoscope

Rotoscoped Shinee's "Everybody". Took FOREVER, but actually really liked this technique.

Charcoal Animation

Charcoal Animation I did  last semester. 4 Legged creatures are hard to figure out…

Walk Cycles

Walk Cycles I've done this and last semester.
Hand drawn, After Effects and Photoshop